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It’s not about treating, it’s about healing


Did you know that your Nervous System is the Master Control system
responsible for your Health and Quality of Life?
 As Vitalistic Chiropractors we work directly with your nervous system so we may:
  • Address the source of your concerns with our Integrative Model

  • Remove the stress and interference patterns that may be causing your health issues

  • Allow you to function the way you were innately designed

  • Improve your quality of life to move beyond symptoms, sickness and disease

  • Unleash your innate healing abilities

  • Guide you towards living a more Radiant and Vitalized life











I thought Chiropractors only treat back pain?

As Vitalistic Chiropractors we have a much more holistic model for health. We look at you as a whole being and use your body’s wisdom to unleash your innate healing abilities. We simply allow you to function the way you were innately designed, a place where symptoms, sickness and disease do not live.


This integrative approach will address the source of your concerns and allow you to transcend physical, mental, emotional or chemical conditions. You are innately designed to live with radiance and vitality. We are here to serve so you may live by design taking your health and quality of life to new heights.



194 Seven Farms Drive, Suite D 

Daniel Island, SC 29492

Sanctuary Blue

A Center for Optimal Living

All visits by appointment! 

Initial visits and other special appointments are scheduled outside of the open adjusting times

Current Adjusting Hours: 

Monday: 8:00-11:00, 2:30-5:30

Tuesday : 11:00-1:30

Wednesday: 2:30-6:00

Thursday: 8:00-11:00, 2:30-6:00

Friday: By Appointment

Live a happier, healthier life. 

 © 2023 Sanctuary Blue: A Center for Optimal Living - All Rights Reserved 

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